Getting started

The reason for going about it that way (at least for now) was so that we can keep the graph in-view to sync it with the feed up; i.e., if you scroll to the 15th, the cursor will move to the 15th (like in-app at the moment). May need to do something about the space though, and in landscape it’s totally unusable… of course nothing is final :slight_smile:

Thank you for bringing it up!

I’ve missed the web. :sweat_smile:


It meant hiding them when they’re not needed :stuck_out_tongue:

OH! My bad, yes :sweat_smile:

I just hit exactly the same limit. Love a good group of nerds.


I’ve noticed on Chrome on Mac OS (Catalina) that I cannot choose another Sim in the usage tab.

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Thank you, looking into this!

EDIT: fixed :slight_smile: