Extra SIM.... grateful

Just a shout out to say how grateful I am for Zevvle’s extra SIM function at this time.

After 3 days of working from home and dealing with the continued uncertainty about work and childcare as well as regarding my extended family my smartphone has become my main command centre and contact point for work and home life. A very useful one at that, but beginning to feel the strain on my mental health…

So… I’ve dusted off the old 3310 and will be taking that out at the weekend with my new Zevvle extra SIM in it… Still able to contact and be contact if urgency dictates, but away from the noise of WhatsApp groups, online news and social media.

A welcome detox I am hoping and I am grateful Zevvle can facilitate this.


Thank you, Simon! :pray:

Do take care, and if there’s anything else we can help with let us know. :slight_smile:

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Extra SIM received today, thank you, the 3310 is fired up and ready to go.

Thank you for the lovely handwritten note which touched me greatly. You now have a customer for life.

Stay safe everyone!