Friday, October 4th


We’ve just updated the app with help articles/a more robust FAQ/however you want to call it, answering some of the more common questions we get, e.g. the status bar doesn’t show ‘Zevvle’, or if we support WiFi calling, etc. All the articles are dynamic, meaning we can add & edit them in realtime, so expect them to change and grow in number (there are only 11 at the moment).

Our support request volume isn’t exactly high; this was more done to keep information consistent and in 1 place. We’re always happy when you send us a message!

Also, our API is currently getting some TLC in preparation to make it public. On another network’s forum there’ve been requests for a public API since 2009, and this is something I’ve been looking forward to since day -1…

Enjoy your weekend! :blush:


Nice, the help tab was looking a little empty and unloved before.


Also that, it needed something!

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Can you add the explanation showing how SMS & MMS pricing works?


Ah yes, thank you! :slight_smile:

EDIT: It’s in there, titled “How long is an SMS?”


Could you perhaps try do it without the mention of the multipart stuff etc (or include links to their definitions, or define them yourself) for those of us not as telecoms inclined

P.S. is that funding round coming anytime soon? :wink:

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It took a few edits, but hopefully what’s there is clear (titled “How long is an SMS?”).

We are working on it! Although not as fast as we could have; development has taken most of our focus recently…

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Glad to hear it, my public companies holdings aren’t looking like they’re going to hit the high returns I want bc freetrade stocks basically nothing that has potential for massive growth so I’m looking to get into some private equity in promising companies that are private :crossed_fingers:

Good to hear you’re focusing on product over investment though


Waited overnight but still not seeing it?

Type “SMS” into the “How can we help?” search box @Colin :wink:

Thanks, that works :+1:


Done. Thanks :pray:

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Oh, on Android I’ve found the remaining character count to always be available once you are close to the limit of one SMS, then always showing with the count when you have multiple.