Shared account data (officially)


Shared data… we technically rolled this out last week, but our website was behind and there were still a few things we had to straighten out. So this is the “official” release of it, and we’ve given our website a (long-overdue) fresh swath of pixels to match, and the pricing page is also updated with the new plans.

However, it’s not over yet — we aren’t happy with the navigation around the account settings in-app, and we’re going to make that clearer & simpler in the coming weeks.

Worth noting — we’ve removed the email entry on our homepage, i.e. we’ve broken the referral system (temporarily). We’re about to update how the links work, but in the meantime we can do it manually if you send us a message!

We also extended the section on our homepage with some of the nice things people have said about us, but if we’ve missed some quotes let us know and we’ll add them! *Grovel grovel.*

And if anyone’s playing trendy website bingo, you can check these off:

:white_check_mark: Stripe-inspired colourful text and background gradients
:white_check_mark: Plenty of drop-shadows
:white_check_mark: Wavy SVGs
:white_check_mark: A few easter eggs

Have a great weekend, and see you next week! :grin:


I love that you’re advertising the F-Droid repo! :heart: The redesign looks excellent.

So hot right now.

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Did someone say easter eggs???

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The join button in the top right is a tad annoying as it assumes that anyone using macOS is also going to have an iPhone. Or maybe I’m the odd one out in having an Android phone and never having had an iPhone? I have had an iPad with 3G in the past, though I would have probably found it a bit annoying then too.

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You mean to say our super-advanced AI wasn’t working?!

Screenshot 2020-10-05 at 10.05.27

Have changed it to a popup instead with the 3 links (kind of useless from the top of the homepage, but makes it accessible from anywhere else).


I had a skim through the html source and seen the isMacLike function and went oh, where is that used? Oh. Just noticed that Monzo make the same assumption. Freetrade only links to both without the assumption.

I’m wondering if there needs to be bit more detail highlighting that you install the app and then you can sign up and manage your account fully from within the app i.e. the how do I get a sim question? Though I don’t know if it’s enough to assume that people will understand that you have to install the app to do it, and there’s no need to spell it out.

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That’s a good point — will add a bit of clarity there, thanks for mentioning it!

EDIT: added :blush:

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Loving it. There’s not many companies that can say that they seal the letter in the same way as you.


The apple/play/fdroid store logos aren’t clickable for me on android mobile.

It’s the same after you click the join button , the app store links don’t work there too.

But I like the new homepage :ok_hand:

Looking into this, thank you!

EDIT: what device are you using?

Pixel 3 and oneplus 3t using Chrome.

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Fixed! That was a slightly obscure bug :flushed:

Thank you for pointing it out. Should probably re-arrange the links to put Android on top if you’re on Android…


I was thinking about suggesting similar, such as highlighting the one for the device you are likely to want. May not need to change the order then


Just updated with the order :slight_smile: iOS be damned if you’re on Android!


I’m sorry to report that Nick doesn’t pick up if you call either of the phone numbers in the images.

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Oh I just realised they’re not Ofcom drama numbers, I’m suddenly intrigued.


My number is all over the website though… :sweat_smile:

They’re some randomly-generated dead numbers, but not official drama ones. You’re right we should switch them to real ones.^^




Maybe change to a VOIP number with an auto responder that gives out a token discount or a secret badge (if called from a Zevvle number, by comparing CDRs)?


Oh yes give me the badges I crave! (purely for bragging rights)