Hello all,
So… we underestimated a few things. We thought the shared-multi-SIM-allowance route was the way forward, but after thinking about this all weekend and speaking with a lot of you it’s clear we were wrong. We’ve left the blog up with a note as a token of our failure.
The reality is, we were over-zealous with £2/GB and underestimated its effects. In other words, something needs to change, and whatever we do will mean a price increase for some of you.
We’ll have some more info on exactly what we’re going to do soon, but for now we’re thinking along the lines of a monthly base price + tiered data rates, closer to what Zevvle was in the beginning. It’s likely we’ll include calls & texts to make them non-PAYG and just worry about data.
Also, it’s worth noting that the very nature of PAYG carries a premium (assuming one fully uses their traditional data bundle). The industry is currently built on most people paying for data they don’t use, and there’s no way around it. There’s an interesting conflict between that, simplicity and data being a commodity.
When we do change things, whether we grandparent everyone with the current setup is TBD. It’s not a question of profit margin, but viability, i.e. can we sustain it?
We’re sorry about the confusion; thank you for all your comments.