Why we don't use Facebook


We regularly get asked why we don’t use Facebook to shout about Zevvle. Most people think we are missing a key marketing ingredient, maybe they are right, but we are sticking to this one:


Great post, and good to see you avoiding Facebook! I’m not on Facebook personally, so it irritates me when companies do the reverse and expect everyone to interact with them on Facebook. I mean it kind of annoys me, but in reality they’ve just lost a customer and I move on. :blush:


And I’m another Facebook avoider ever since people where I worked wanted to be my friends :wink: but apart from work I had nothing in common with!


I use it very minimally to talk to friends using messenger and to thank foreign relatives for wishing me a happy birthday

But I’ll say I’m glad you’ve avoided Facebook on this one :slight_smile: before even reading the blog post :slight_smile:


I love this so much! Like most other people I’m stuck using Messenger to communicate with people, but they to seem to be (very) slowly coming round to hating it as much as I do. :yum:


Any business that requires me to converse with them through Facebook does not get my business. I don’t use Facebook.


I had another read though this article and it made me realise that this kind of thing (along with the recent F-Droid repo!) are the kind of things that the FOSS/privacy-conscious communities love. (I do.)

In that vein, have you thought about creating presences on alternative social networks like Mastodon in order to reach them? Even if you just mirrored your Twitter posts.

Has that gained any traction?

Personally, I believe that Zevvle should stick to trying to innovate where it can rather than spend time having to maintain the distraction of multiple social mediums.


Fair. Just thinking that the attitude of Zevvle would have unique appeal in those communities.

I am privacy conscious and despise the mainstream social networks but Mastodon or any of these decentralized services aren’t the solution either. Can’t be bothered to list all the reasons here (it might be a good candidate for a blog post if/when I decide to actually blog) but here’s a start: https://news.ycombinator.com/item?id=20317513

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I find it hard to comment because I’ve never used any social media really, so don’t go looking for alternatives. Just thinking from a marketing perspective it would reach a niche ^^

Probably not. They’d be better off going for the low-hanging fruit of the major social networks.

Zevvle shouldn’t waste their time with such distractions.

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Within communities, yes.
With brands or the “mass-market”, no.

I somewhat hope it stays that way. I use Mastodon as my smaller Twitter where I just follow friends on a small instance and the federation allows some nice crossover, where Twitter is more of a public stage. Going between the two contexts is nice though.


This is a genuinely good point. I’ve changed my mind: Zevvle, stay away. :kissing_heart:

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But, but…

Shall do. :sweat_smile:

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No hunter2? I’m disappointed.

Edit: to be fair, if Zevvle wanted to become a Mastodon host it would make total sense since it’s already a telecommunications provider.


Zevvle is also a business, so I’m not seeing too much reason for them to host something that adds no value and costs money but doesn’t make money