Happy Tuesday!
Unlimited Calls & SMS
We’ve added one bundle for unlimited calling & SMS within the UK and Europe (as with the normal roaming shenanigans, this doesn’t apply to international calls from the UK to Europe).
It’s per SIM and costs £6/month. That’s higher than we want it to be, but we’re effectively passing it through from our supplier so we’ve got no room to go lower at the moment. Also, our contract states that it’s limited to 99 distinct numbers per month (i.e., don’t start a call center), but as part of our Ts&Cs we’re considering that “…inconsistent with normal use.”
You can enable it under any SIM in-app (you’ll need to ask the account owner if that’s not you), and make sure you’re running the latest version – 1.1.1.
I’ll include this in a blog at the end of the week, with hopefully another update or 2 by then…
EDIT: I should mention, to be clear, this is 100% optional – if you use a lot of calls and texts (> 200 mins + texts per month), this will be cheaper for you. Otherwise, you should probably stick with the PAYG rates of 3p/min & 3p/SMS.